“Throughout the pandemic I witnessed so much compassion and devotion from my co-workers. Through the exhaustion and discomfort of multiple layers of PPE, everyone came together and worked so hard for these patients and for each other. It was the most amazing evidence of teamwork that I had ever seen as a nurse. It reminded me of why I ended up in nursing—to become part of a team that does everything they can for their patients.”
NH Magazine & NH Nurses Association Excellence in Nursing Award Recipient 2022
The Professional Practice of Nursing at CMC
- The nursing practice at CMC integrates Jean Watson's "Theory of Human Caring." We believe that nursing is a science and an art. As a science, nursing derives its practice base from scientific knowledge and research. As an art, nursing embraces the transpersonal caring relationship between the nurse and the patient.
- We believe that caring is the essence of nursing practice. It is a moral ideal rather than a task-oriented behavior. Human caring involves values, a will, and a commitment to care, knowledge, caring actions and consequences. A caring relationship and a caring environment preserve human dignity, wholeness and integrity. Caring promotes self-growth, self-knowledge, self-control and self-healing processes.
The Professional Practice Model captures the key constructs of nursing practice and provides a common way of describing and understanding CMC nursing wherever nursing is practiced. Through the collaborative governance structure, direct care nurses propelled the development, application, evaluation, adaptation and modification of the key elements that comprise the Professional Practice Model.
Nursing Excellence
Nurses at CMC demonstrate their commitment on a daily basis to patient care through actualizing the Nursing Mission, while incorporating the professional social and moral contract articulated in the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses.
Patient Centered Care
The CMC Professional Practice Model stems from the organization's belief, which is grounded in evidence, that optimal patient outcomes are only achieved through the inclusion of the patient and their family. This is consistent with the principles outlined by Jean Watson, which is inextricably linked to the patient, their wishes and ability to care for self. Patient Centered Care encourages patients to be instrumental in their daily care, and to partner with healthcare providers to ensure their voice is heard and incorporated into care.
Nursing core values
- Excellence
- Caring
- Human Dignity
- Patient Advocacy
- Competency
- Compassion
Nursing Shared Governance
- Nurses are involved in decision making to impact nursing practice using evidence based practice to promote the mission, vision and values of CMC
- Opportunities to participate in regional and national nursing conferences
Shared governance enriches nursing at CMC by improving:
- Nurse engagement
- Increased efficiency
- Quality patient outcomes
- Increased job satisfaction
- Increased nurse retention
- Interdisciplinary relationships