We're so proud of our compassionate physicians, nurses and staff
who are the recipients of following national and local awards and honors.






Becker's 112 Physician Leaders to Know
CMC President & CEO Dr. Joseph Pepe has been recognized by Beckers Hospital Review as one of the 2017 Physician Leaders to know.
Aug 2017
Union Leader Reader's Choice
A heartfelt thank you to the readers of the Union Leader for recognizing CMC as a 2017 Union Leader Reader's Choice winner for multiple services provided at CMC.
Gold: Best Hospital, Cardiac Center, Childbirth Center and Weight Loss
Silver: Best Cancer Care, Emergency Care and Physical Therapy
These awards are a tribute to the hard work and dedication of the CMC Community: our Board of Trustees, physicians, nurses, staff, donors, volunteers and their families.
July 2017
CMC Breast Care Center Approved by the NAPBC
The Breast Care Center at CMC has been granted a three-year/full accreditation designation by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers.
June 2017
Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Gold, Plus and Target Stroke Achievement Award
CMC received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award with Target: StrokeSM Honor Roll. The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment to providing the most appropriate stroke treatment according to nationally-recognized, research-based guidelines based on the latest scientific evidence.
May 2017
Top Docs 2017
NH Magazine conducts an annual survey to identify
NH’s leading physicians. CMC is proud to have so many of the state’s leading physicians practicing here.
Mar 2017
CMC Earns Reaccreditation from the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons
The Commission on Cancer, a quality program of the American College of Surgeons has granted Three-Year Accreditation to the cancer program at Catholic Medical Center.
Jan 2017
135 Nonprofit Hospital and Health System CEOs to Know 2016
Becker's Hospital Review named Joseph Pepe, MD, President & CEO, CMC to the 2016 edition of its list, "135 nonprofit hospital and health system CEOs to know." The leaders on this list lead some of the largest, most successful and prominent nonprofit healthcare organizations in the country.
Nov 2016
US News & World Report
Ranked as a high performing hospital for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), heart bypass surgery and heart failure
Nov 2016
Becker's Hospital Review 100 Hospitals with Great Heart Programs 2016
Becker's Hospital Review names The New England Heart & Vascular Institute at CMC to "100 hospitals and health systems with great heart programs." For the third year in a row, CMC was the only hospital in New Hampshire that earned this distinction. The hospitals on this list lead the nation in cardiovascular healthcare. Many have pioneered groundbreaking procedures and are still pioneering breakthroughs today. All have received recognitions for top-of-the-line patient care.
Sep 2016
Becker's Hospital Review 110 Physician Leaders to Know 2016
Joseph Pepe, MD, President & CEO of Catholic Medical Center was recognized on this list which features hospital and health system presidents and CEOs who also hold medical degrees. All recipients have demonstrated outstanding leadership and clinical expertise throughout their careers, leading initiatives to improve their individual organizations and the healthcare of the communities they serve.
Sep 2016
2016 Good Samaritan Award
Alex Walker, Jr, Executive Vice President Operations & Strategic Development was honored by Pastoral Counseling Services with a Good Samaritan Award. "The Good Samaritan Awards are an annual tradition to honor individuals who pursue extraordinary measures to strengthen communities and improve life in New Hampshire."
Oct 2016
Medical Staff of the Year Award
The New Hampshire Hospital Association (NHHA) recently honored William Goodman, MD, MPH, FCCP, Chief Medical Officer and VP Medical Affairs, of Catholic Medical Center with the 2016 Medical Staff of the Year Award during the association’s Annual Meeting at the Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods. The Medical Staff Award is an honor bestowed upon a medical staff member from a New Hampshire hospital who is devoted him or to excellence in health care.
Sep 2016
Noah Lord Patient & Family Engagement Award
The Foundation for Healthy Communities presented the 2016 Noah Lord Patient & Family Engagement Award to CMC's Patient & Family Advisory Council for their project titled, The Voice of the Patient: Improving the Patient Experience by Listening to the Voice of the Patient.
Parenting New Hampshire Family Favorite 2016
CMC has won Parenting NH’s Family Favorites this year—Favorite Hospital & Favorite Birthing Center.
Yankee Alliance 2015 Savings Award
CMC is pleased to be the winner of the Yankee Alliance 2015 Savings Award for mid-sized hospitals. Last year, all CMC departments looked at ways to find efficiencies and leverage our membership in Yankee Alliance/Premier to drive down the cost of items though bulk purchasing. These efforts added up to $2.4 million!The Savings Award recognizes the acute care facility with the greatest overall savings per patient day. CMC had the most savings of an acute care facility with 101-300 beds.
May 2016
Reaccreditation in Adult Echocardiography by the Intersocietal Accreditatoin Commission
Accreditation by IAC indicates that Catholic Medical Center has undergone an intensive application and review process and is found to be in compliance with the published Standards. Comprised of a detailed self-evaluation followed by a thorough review by a panel of medical experts, the IAC accreditation process enables both the critical operational and technical components of the applicant facility to be assessed, including representative case studies and their corresponding final reports.
Silver Safe Sleep Leader Certification from Cribs for Kids
This award recognizes hospitals that demonstrate a commitment to reducing infant sleep related deaths by promoting safe sleep practices and by providing education on infant sleep safety.
American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Center of Excellence
The Breast Imaging Center of Excellence (BICOE) designation is awarded to breast imaging centers that achieve excellence by seeking and earning accreditation in all of the ACR’s voluntary breast-imaging accreditation programs and modules, in addition to the mandatory Mammography Accreditation Program.
American College of Radiology Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center
The ACR Lung Cancer Screening Center designation is unit-specific. All sites applying for this designation must meet the requirements outlined below, including having active ACR CT accreditation in the chest module on the designated unit(s).
American College of Radiology MRI Accreditation
The MRI Accreditation Program evaluates staff qualifications, quality control, MR safety policies and image quality. Accreditation is required for providers that bill for MRI under part B of the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Certification
CMC's Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Certified for three years through the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. The program has been certified since 2001. AACVPR-certified programs are recognized as leaders in the field of cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation because they offer the most advanced practices available.
Best Hospital—Union Leader Readers’ Choice
The Union Leader Readers’ Choice Poll results are in and CMC has won several distinctions, including Best Hospital, Best Childbirth Center and Best Cardiac Care for the 4th year in a row!
July 2016
Catholic Medical Center receives Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award with Target: Stroke Honor Roll
May 2016
CMC Achieves National Accreditation from the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program
Apr 2016
CMC Awarded “Gold Fit-Friendly Worksite” by the American Heart Association
Jan 2015
American College of Radiology Ultrasound Accreditation
The Ultrasound Accreditation Program involves the acquisition of clinical images, submission of relevant physician reports corresponding to clinical images submitted, and quality control documentation.
American College of Radiology CT Accreditation
The CT Accreditation Program involves submission of clinical and phantom images, dose measurements and scanning protocols. Accreditation is required for providers that bill for CT under part B of the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.
CMC's Cardiac Care recognized with 4-star rating
Dec 2015
Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs
CMC is the only hospital in New Hampshire to be fully accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Program, which seeks to strenghten protections for research participants. Accreditation offers assurances—to research participants, researchers, sponsors, government regulators, and the general public—that an HRPP is focused first and foremost on excellence.
53 Hospitals with the lowest heart attack mortality rates
Nov 2015
130 Nonprofit Hospital and Health System CEOs to Know
Nov 2015
100 Physician Leaders of Hospitals and Health Systems 2015
Oct 2015
100 Hospitals with Great Heart Programs 2015-2016
Oct 2015
CMC has been recognized with SEVEN 2015 Union Leader Readers’ Choice Awards
Best Hospital—OVERALL
Best Hospital—CARDIAC CARE
Best Childbirth Center—MOM’S PLACE
Honorable Mention
Best Physical Therapy—CMC OUTPATIENT REHAB
July 2015
CMC awarded Healthcare Business of the Year by Business NH Magazine
May 2015
Get With The Guidelines®–Stroke Gold, Plus Achievement Award from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Mar 2015
CMC Awarded “Gold Fit-Friendly Worksite” by the American Heart Association
Mar 2015
CMC's Pregnancy Care Center
receives site approval as a CenteringPregnancyTM model of care
Dec 2014
CMC was named one of the Nation's 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals
by Truven Health Analytics for the second year in a row
Nov 2014
CMC has been recognized as a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures® by The Joint Commission
Nov 2014
Officially designated as a Baby-Friendly Hospital
A global initiative by WHO and UNICEF to implement practices that protect, promote and support breastfeeding.
Oct 2014
Named one of the 100 hospitals and health systems
with great heart programs by Becker's Hospital Review
Sep 2014
CMC has been recognized with SEVEN2014 Union Leader Readers’ Choice Awards:
Best Hospital—Overall
Best Hospital—Cardiac Care
Best Hospital—Childbirth
Best Hospital—Emergency Care
Best Hospital—Weight Loss
Best Doctor’s Office—Willowbend Family Practice
Best Physical Therapy (runner up)
July 2014
CMC has received the Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold-Plus Quality Achievement Award
for implementing specific quality improvement measures outlined by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association for the treatment of stroke patients
Apr 2014
CMC named in 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals
The Truven Health 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals is an annual quantitative study that identifies the nation's best providers of cardiovascular service. Selected from more than 1,000 U.S. hospitals, celebrated winners provide outstanding care and set new standards in excellence for the healthcare industry.
Nov 2013
CMC has been recognized with five 2013 Union Leader Readers’ Choice Awards:
· Best Hospital—Overall
· Best Hospital—Cardiac Care
· Best Hospital—Childbirth
· Best Hospital—Weight Loss
· Best Doctor’s Office—Willowbend Family Practice
July 2013
CMC Receives Full Accreditation for three years with Commendation from the Commission on Cancer
The Commission on Cancer (CoC) is a nationally recognized multidisciplinary accreditation program. By working with its national partners, the CoC has developed comprehensive, patient-centered standards for cancer programs.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Hampshire has designated Catholic Medical Center as a:
Blue Distinction® Center for Spine Surgery(SM)
Blue Distinction® Center for Knee and Hip Replacement (SM)
Blue Distinction® Center for Bariatric Surgery
Blue Distinction® Centers are hospitals recognized for their expertise in delivering specialty care.
*Blue Distinction® Centers met overall quality measures for patient safety and outcomes, developed with input from the medical community. Blue Distinction® Centers+ also met cost measures that address consumers’ need for affordable healthcare. Individual outcomes may vary. National criteria is displayed on www.bcbs.com. A Local Blue Plan may require additional criteria for facilities located in its own service area. To find out which services and providers (including hospital based physicians) are covered under your policy, or to learn about Local Blue Plan Criteria, contact your Local Blue Plan; and contact your provider before making an appointment to verify its current Network and Blue Distinction Centers status. Each hospital’s Cost Index is calculated separately, based on data from its Local Blue Plan. Hospitals in portions of CA, ID, NY, PA, and WA may lie in areas served by two Local Blue Plans, resulting in two Cost Index figures; and their own Local Blue Plans decide whether all hospitals in these areas must meet Blue Distinction Centers+ national criteria for one or both Cost Index figures. Neither Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association nor any Blue Plans are responsible for damages, losses, or non-covered charges resulting from Blue Distinction or other provider finder information or care received from Blue Distinction or other providers. To find out more, contact your Local Blue Plan.
America's 100 Best Hospital for Cardiac Care and Coronary Intervention
The New England Heart Institute at Catholic Medical Center delivers patient results that meet high standards and criteria for cardiac excellence.
Oct 2011
First hospital in the state to perform a mechanical heart/left ventricular assist device implant
First hospital in the state for neonatal unit based on couplet care, a philosophy and care model that keeps mother and baby together in large nurturing suites and state-of-the-art monitoring technologies
Top 10% in the nation for patient satisfaction
Determined by the analysis of survey data from 3,837 U.S. hospitals. Awarded hospitals must meet bed size, survey response size and clinical quality thresholds in order to be eligible for the award.
Bariatric Center of Excellence designation for Obesity Treatment Center
‘Top Performer on Key Quality Measures™’ Recognition from The Joint Commission
CMC was recognized for its achievement on the following measure sets: Heart Attack, Heart Failure, Pneumonia, and Surgical Care
CMC receives a Three Star Rating by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons has developed a comprehensive rating system for the quality of cardiac surgery among hospitals across the country. Approximately 12-15% of hospitals received the 3 star rating which denotes the highest category of care. Since January 2010 the cardiac surgery performance of our hospital was found to lie in the highest quality tier, thereby receiving an STS 3 star rating.
Named to Harvard Pilgrim's 2012 Hospital Honor Roll
The Hospital Honor Roll names those hospitals whose performance was among the top 25% of those measured nationally on a set of composite quality metrics. The metrics evaluate clinical process of care, patient experience and patient safety and are based on CMC Hospital Compare and Leapfrog data.
and patient safety and are based on CMC Hospital Compare and Leapfrog data