Caring for women through the journey of life
We try to keep balance in our lives—in taking care of our families, in work and in play. But women also have to take care of themselves and their unique healthcare needs. We know you deserve personalized care that fits your needs and lifestyle.
We recognize that a woman's health needs change throughout her life. Our women's health services provide some of the area's best primary care and specialty physicians for every stage of life.
Our Mission
CMC's Women's Wellness & Fertility Center is a mission-driven, regional center for excellence in obstetrical, gynecological and surgical care. We embrace fertility as a natural part of health and wellness. By utilizing the unique sciences of the FertilityCareTM System and NaProTECHNOLOGY, we seek to maintain or restore optimal functioning of the reproductive system. We adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church while providing the best reproductive care possible. Motivated by a deep respect for human life, the dignity of the person and the gift of fertility, we welcome all women regardless of faith or culture.
Our services include:
Online Forms—for your convenience
You can print and complete, submit via our patient portal or fax prior to your visit.
- Welcome Letter
- Authorization for Release or Request of Protected Health Information
- Patient Demographic Information
- Patient Informed Consent Statement
- Wayfinding to Women's Wellness & Fertility Center
You can email your completed form(s) via our secure practice email; or fax to: 603.665.2420; or mail to:
Women's Wellness & Fertility Center
88 McGregor Street, Suite 201
Manchester NH 03102

Telehealth Visits
CMC’s Women’s Wellness & Fertility Center offers expanded access to care via telehealth (also called telemedicine), a remote delivery of health care services or information. These appointments allow your provider to monitor symptom progression and modify treatment plans. Providers will consult with patients via voice and video in real time.
- Existing patients: For appointments that do not require a physical examination, a telehealth visit may be appropriate for NaPro, obstetrics and gynecologic follow-up care.
- For new patients: We continue to accept new patients and will work with you to decide what appointment type is appropriate for your individual needs.