High-quality diagnostic images provide your physician with the tools and information needed to provide the best care for you. If your physician has requested imaging, our goal is to provide quality images and procedures, with a minimum of discomfort and using the lowest dose possible. Our certified radiology nurses and technologists, along with our experienced support staff, provide technologically advanced care with compassion and professionalism.
Call to schedule your appointment: 603.663.6455 (M–F 8–5P)
Exams & Services
A complete range of state-of-the-art diagnostic exams and therapeutic services are available:
- Bone Density
- Breast Ultrasound
- Cardiology Imaging
- Cardiac MRI
- Cardiac PET
- CT
- Digital Mammography/3d Tomosynthesis
- Digital Bone Densitometry (Dexa)
- Fluoroscopy
- Interventional Radiology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Pet Imaging
- Ultrasound
- X-ray
Radiology Nursing
Our team includes radiology certified nurses who support interventional procedures across radiology. They provide pre-and-post recovery care for procedures including:
- Ablative treatments
- Arterial and venous intervention
- CT, ultrasound & x-ray guided biopsies
- Interventional oncology
- IV hydration and infusions
- PICC/port/midline catheter placement
Subspecialties & Procedures
Our board-certified radiologists offer expertise in a number of subspecialties and perform an array of procedures, including:
- Breast MRI
- Cardiac CT
- Cardiac MRI
- Ct And Ultrasound-guided Biopsies
- Kyphoplasty
- Microwave Tumor Ablation
- Migraine Treatments (SPG Block)
- Pain Control
- Prostate Pet Imaging
- stereotactic Breast Biopsies
- Uterine Fibroid Embolization
- Y90
Why Choose CMC?
Our certified board-certified radiologists, technologists, registered nurses and experienced support staff provide advanced care with compassion and professionalism.
Why did I receive two bills?
If you received your x-ray exam at the hospital, you may receive two separate bills—one from the hospital and one from the radiologist. Please be assured that you are not being billed for the same service twice. Your x-ray consists of two distinct services.
The hospital bill represents the technical component and account for items such as use of the x-ray equipment, pharmaceuticals, supplies and technical x-ray personnel.
The radiologist bill is for the professional interpretation of your x-ray images. The radiologists are specially trained physicians who study and interpret your x-ray examination and generate a written report that is sent to your doctor or the attending physicians that ordered your x-ray. Because radiologists are part of an independent practice, and are not employees of any of the hospitals where they provide services, their professional services are billed separately.