Celebrating Baby Nolan

Woman gives thanks for treatments that helped her become a mom

April 20, 2023

WWFC-profile-picutres_FB_LI_1200x630.pngKelsey Heafield is a patient at CMC’s Women’s Wellness & Fertility Center (WWFC). We share her story, in her own words, in recognition of National Infertility Awareness Week.

“It was the summer of 2021 and my husband Nick and I had been trying to grow our family for about five months. I had started to notice some symptoms related to my cycle that had me wondering if something else was going on. I saw my previous OBGYN and wasn’t satisfied with the way she responded to my concerns. I waited a few more months and after a friend recommended Women’s Wellness and Fertility Center I decided to reach out. We got started learning the Creighton Model and then met with Dr. Sarah Bascle in February of 2022. Last February, Dr. Bascle diagnosed me with suspected endometriosis and we scheduled a laparoscopic excision surgery for July of 2022. We agreed in the meantime to experiment with other low intervention treatments including letrozole, LDN, and antibiotics.

In May of 2022, two months before my scheduled surgery I got pregnant just from using these low cost, low intervention treatments. Our son, Nolan, was born in February of 2023 and we are filled with so much gratitude for what Dr. Bascle and her team did for us. 

We are so thankful for the treatments that brought us our little Nolan, but just as thankful for a medical team that believed me, honored my body’s natural ability, and treated me and Nick as a valued member of the medical team and not just another number. They worked with us in a holistic and truly patient-centered manner. I would absolutely recommend WWFC to a friend. They provide care that couples facing infertility deserve.”