CMC Health Care for the Homeless

June 5, 2018

Two women talk with homeless man seating on the ground in front of a tent in the woods. “Phil” was homeless, living in a park in Manchester. Connecting him with resources was a challenge. The Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) outreach team started making contact with a simple “good morning” or “what can I help you with today.” After several of these exchanges, Phil started to express an interest in the outreach team and how they might be able to help. The HCH team built a trust that became invaluable to him.

 Phil had a history of substance use, which became the daily focus of his life. He wanted to stop using drugs and get an apartment. The HCH team got him connected to a provider at the clinic located at New Horizons/Families in Transition, helped him with applying for Medicaid, and supported him in accessing care at a methadone clinic. In time, Phil established a consistent schedule at the methadone clinic and with his primary care provider at the HCH clinic. As a result of his commitment to be clean and his overall improved health, Phil qualified for an apartment through a homeless housing program. He’s achieved his goals, all because someone simply said good morning.