CMC looks to outside firm to conduct thorough review

The following is a memo CMC President & CEO Alex Walker sent to employees, informing them of the hospital's plans to hire an outside firm to conduct a thorough review.

September 21, 2022

To our patients & community, 
We recognize that recent media coverage has created many questions and we want to reassure you that you can count on the quality, safety and commitment of the hospital you have always known and trusted.  

At CMC, patient care and safety have always come first as we fulfill our mission of health, healing and hope. Our mix of clinical skill and compassion is what makes CMC unique and it lives on, every day, in the thousands of patients who’ve received our care.  

Over the last few days we have embraced the opportunity to address concerns we’ve heard from you, our patients, our supporters and our community. As a community hospital, our responsibility is to lean into those questions and provide reassurance about the quality and integrity of our care. We are thankful for many the expressions of support we have heard.

Because of our commitment to you and our community, we are in the process of engaging an outside firm to conduct a thorough, independent review of our clinical oversight and accountability, peer review and reporting processes to make sure they are the best in the country. We are confident this review will affirm that our approach is in line with best practices for any hospital. If any opportunities are identified where we can do better, we promise you we will embrace those suggestions and share them with you. This is consistent with our longtime commitment to continuous self-improvement.  

In addition, we want to encourage everyone to report a concern if they ever have one. We have multiple ways that you can do this, including our anonymous reporting hotline. You can find that information on the Corporate Compliance page of the intranet. You may also choose to fill out a 2B Safe report, also on the intranet. 

CMC has always been committed to achieving the highest standards of quality and oversight that you and our patients expect and deserve. We look forward to sharing more information about this review soon. In the meantime, your leaders are here to answer your questions. The doors to our offices—and my office—are always open to you. 


Alex Walker
President & CEO
Catholic Medical Center 

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