CMC Promotes Heart Health During American Heart Month 

CMC Doctors Host Free In-Person Community Heart Talks

Written By Laura Montenegro, Director, Communications & Public Relations

January 30, 2024

Catholic Medical Center (CMC) joins the American Heart Association (AHA) in recognizing and participating in American Heart Month to promote cardiovascular health in our community. CMC is committed to providing resources and education during the month of February, and throughout the year, to raise awareness and prevent heart disease—the number one killer of Americans.  

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 700,000 people die each year in the United States from heart disease. In many cases, heart disease is preventable. “Many folks can decrease their risk by adopting a healthier lifestyle,” stated Director of Cardiology, Jonathan Eddinger, MD, FACC, FASE. “This includes not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising daily and scheduling regular doctor checkups. However, this can seem overwhelming to try and do all at once, so I recommend smaller goals that are attainable. As long as you start making small changes and continue down that path, you are reducing your risk.” 

To kick off American Heart Month, join CMC employees by wearing red for National Wear Red Day® on Friday, February 2

Additionally, CMC’s New England Heart & Vascular Institute (NEHVI) is hosting a series of free in-person community talks. Heart-to-Heart Community Conversations with Heart Experts will include several topics relating to the heart and heart disease. On Saturday, February 3 at 9 AM, Dr. Jonathan Eddinger will speak about heart health and preventative measures that can decrease your risk factors for heart disease and Dr. Michelle Ouellette will explain spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) and why middle-aged women are most at risk.

Then on Saturday, February 17 at 9 AM, Dr. Jeanney Lew will discuss navigating atrial fibrillation (A-Fib), followed by Dr. Robert Capodilupo, who will lead a discussion on heart failure. There will be ample opportunity to ask questions, refreshments will be served and you’ll be entered into a raffle for a chance to win some great prizes. 

Lastly, join CMC in the Happy Heart Challenge—a 29-day journey of heart-healthy tips. Register your name to have the Happy Heart calendar sent to your email, embrace 20 heart-healthy tips in February to start your journey to a stronger heart and you will be entered for a chance to win exciting prizes in our raffle!

Click here for additional information and to register.

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