Eastern Bank's Generous Gift Helps Establish Women's Cardiac Program

This program will focus on increasing awareness about the unique cardiac risk factors experienced by women.

August 28, 2018

easternbank2.jpgCMC was pleased to welcome David Cassidy Eastern Bank, Senior Vice President and New Hampshire Commercial Group Director and Deb Blondin, Senior Vice President, Commercial Lending in Nashua, NH last week as they presented a $10,000 donation from the Eastern Bank Foundation.  

This generous gift will be used to help develop a Woman’s Cardiac Program at Catholic Medical Center. This program will focus on increasing awareness about the unique cardiac risk factors experienced by women and educating CMC and other community healthcare providers about the benefits of the women's cardiac program. Grant funds will also be used to create educational materials for physicians to share with patients with elevated risk about cardiac disease in women.

In the photo (left to right): David Cassidy Eastern Bank, Senior Vice President and New Hampshire Commercial Group Director and Deb Blondin, Senior Vice President, Commercial Lending, Cardiologist Michelle Ouellette, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Louis Fink, MD, FACC, Executive Medical Director, New England Heart & Vascular Institute and Joseph Pepe, MD, CMC President & CEO