Heart & Hands Scholarship—for Catholic Students

CMC and Diocese of Manchester offer scholarships to students entering grades 7-12

March 7, 2023

Catholic Medical Center (CMC) and the Diocese of Manchester’s Catholic Schools Office are excited to announce the CMC Heart & Hands Scholarship. This scholarship is open to students entering grades 7-12 at a diocesan Catholic school in New Hampshire in the 2023-24 academic year. This opportunity is available in addition to—and is not a part of—a student’s financial aischolarship22_newspage.pngd package; however, financial need is not a requirement for this scholarship program. 

The Heart & Hands Scholarship seeks to assist motivated, mission-driven middle and high school students access a Catholic education. The scholarship represents the commitment and support CMC provides throughout the community. Similarly, Catholic school students are encouraged to practice community service as an essential component of their curriculum. We share the belief that community is at the heart of who we are. 

Two CMC Heart & Hands Scholarships will be issued for the 2023-24 academic year: 
Any student enrolled in grades 7-12 in a New Hampshire diocesan Catholic school
  • Grades 7-8: one—$1,500. scholarship
  • Grades 9-12: one—$2,500. scholarship
Interested students must complete an application including an essay explaining their desire to lead and serve while making a significant impact in their community. Completed materials must be submitted by 11:59 PM on May 5, 2023. Click here to access the application.