Life's Simple Seven - Eat Better

February is Heart Month. Catholic Medical Center, as the New Hampshire sponsor of the American Heart Association's Life is Why campaign, want to remind you of the AHA's simple seven ways to get and stay heart healthy.

February 13, 2017

(February 13, 2017) - February is Heart Month. Catholic Medical Center, as the New Hampshire sponsor of the American Heart Association’s Life is Why campaign, wants to remind you of the AHA’s simple seven ways to get and stay heart healthy.  Today, we're bringing you the success story of one man who committed to eating better. 
When Rich Gulezian retired last spring, he decided it was time to make a change. “I wasn’t too pleased with the reflection in the mirror,” he recalls. With exercise at dietary guidance at CMC’s Wellness Center, Gulezian lost more than 25 pounds in five months. His pulse, blood pressure, and stamina are all improved. “I’m more aware of what I eat and how much I eat. I’m snacking differently, going for fruits and nuts while watching my sweets intake.” He still has the things he really enjoys, in moderation. “I’m here now and I want to go a little further.”