Life's Simple Seven - Lower Blood Sugar
We've covered five of the seven this week and today we bring you number six - a nman who made small changes to lower his blood sugar.
February 17, 2017
(February 17, 2017) - February is Heart Month and CMC, as the New Hampshire sponsor of the American Heart Association’s Life is Why campaign, wants to remind you of the AHA’s simple seven ways to get and stay heart healthy. We've covered five of the seven this week and today we bring you number six - a man who made small changes to lower his blood sugar.
When James Wayman was diagnosed with diabetes a year ago, “my wife and I took it seriously and we immediately changed the way we were eating.” Through a responsible diet, informed by CMC’s Diabetes Resource Institute, and a walking routine, Wayman reduced his blood sugar from eight percent to 5.6 percent in just three months. “I didn’t realize it went that well,” he says. “It’s a great motivator, it helps me continue.” He’s been able to either reduce or stop taking medications for diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol. “Hopefully it will be a long, long time before I need insulin.”