Life's Simple Seven - Maintain Healthy Weight
Today, we're bringing you the success story of one man who committed to losing and maintaining a healthy weight.
February 14, 2017
(February 14, 2017) - February is Heart Month. Catholic Medical Center, as the New Hampshire sponsor of the American Heart Association’s Life is Why campaign, wants to remind you of the AHA’s simple seven ways to get and stay heart healthy. Today, we're bringing you the success story of one woman who committed to losing and maintaining a healthy weight.
Janice Rouleau has gained so much by losing a lot. Nearly two years ago she had gastric bypass surgery through CMC’s New England Weight Management Institute, shedding 135 pounds. She was mentally and emotionally and motivated. “I had to be there for my son,” she recalls. Since the surgery, Rouleau has gone from a size 20-22 to a 4-6, her A1C is in check, and she’s off blood pressure medication. “The best feeling in the world was when my son put his arms around me and said, ‘look Mom, I can touch my elbows!’ I wanted to cry.”