Life's Simple Seven - Manage Blood Pressure
In our last profile, we bring you one man who successfully lowered his blood pressure.
February 18, 2017
(February 18, 2017) - February is Heart Month and CMC, as the New Hampshire sponsor of the American Heart Association’s Life is Why campaign, wants to remind you of the AHA’s simple seven ways to get and stay heart healthy. In our last profile, we bring you one man who successfully lowered his blood pressure.
David Proulx and his wife have always been fairly active people, but three years ago Proulx was beset by atrial fibrillation – AFib. “I couldn’t even cut my grass anymore and it was frightening. I didn’t have the stamina.” He made some major lifestyle changes including losing weight, exercising, and eating better. “That combination has helped bring my blood pressure down,” he says. “It still fluctuates but now I’m really paying attention to it.” Proulx can not only mow the lawn again, “I can do so much more – bicycle, kayak, all the things we used to do.”