NH Hospital Association Honors CMC’s Alex Walker for Outstanding Service in Healthcare

September 15, 2017

nhha.pngBretton Woods—The New Hampshire Hospital Association (NHHA) recently honored Alex Walker, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer at Catholic Medical Center, with the 2017 Leslie A. Smith President’s Award during the Association’s Annual Meeting at the Omni Mount Washington Resort.

The Leslie A. Smith President’s Award is presented to an Association member who has made an exceptional contribution to the New Hampshire Hospital Association, recognizing their dedicated service to the affairs, management and growth of the Association and its affiliates.

Walker was honored for his dedication and efforts in moving the Association’s advocacy agenda forward on behalf of its hospital members and the patients they serve.

“Alex has devoted himself to the Association’s advocacy efforts, and is considered by his colleagues to be a true leader and respected voice for hospitals and health care delivery systems in New Hampshire. He is truly deserving of this award, and we’re honored to work alongside him,” said Steve Ahnen, NHHA President.

Even in the challenging environment that hospitals face, Walker has successfully led the efforts of New Hampshire hospitals through several significant initiatives, from the reauthorization of the New Hampshire Health Protection Program to legislation aimed at improving New Hampshire’s workers compensation laws, as well the creation of a special health care service license to protect the health and safety of New Hampshire residents when the state’s health planning services and review board was sunset, and helping the hospitals reach a settlement agreement with the state over the state’s Medicaid Enhancement Tax.

“Alex is a steadfast champion of what is best for our patients and the health of the hospitals that serve them. From pushing for expansion of the New Hampshire Health Protection Program to shepherding an agreement on the Medicaid Enhancement Tax, Alex’s work helps the hospitals in our state increase access to care and fulfill our obligation to serve those most in need,” said Dr. Joe Pepe, President & CEO of Catholic Medical Center.

Contact: Vanessa Stafford (603) 415-4255