One employee, 10,000 Angels
March 29, 2018
Nearly five years ago, Brenda Garcia’s 25-year old niece, a mother of two, passed away from cancer. The family was devastated by the loss but lifted by their faith. Nine months later, Brenda’s daughter in law was driving in Manchester and looked to the sky – she saw the sun emerging from a cloud shaped like an angel and snapped a picture.Brenda, a 30-year CMC employee, took the moment as a comforting sign from her niece – a sign of hope that she wanted to share with others. Brenda began making photo cards of the angel and giving them to anyone who needed a little bit of hope. She handed them out around town, at the Farnum Center, and at the hospital. In 2016, she started numbering the cards and keeping track. This week she hit 10,000!
The back of the card has Brenda’s email address and a short message: “Hope grows when people care. Your angel, Amanda Beauchamp 5/17/88 to 6/13/13.”
“People really open up when you give this to them,” she says, recalling the many words of thanks and personal stories she’s heard over the years.