Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
Written By Marc Guillemette, Director, Office of Catholic Identity
September 28, 2020

In June of 2020, Catholic Medical Center approved a Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (“POLST”) policy. So the question on the minds of many is: “What is POLST?” POLST is a provider order form, signed by both the patient and medical provider, to complement advance care directives/the Three Beliefs by expressing an individual’s wishes regarding life-sustaining treatment and resuscitation. It is important to note that POLST is not a result of a State of New Hampshire statue; rather it is an initiative of the Foundation for Healthy Communities. Some states, like Massachusetts where it is law, call it Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment. POLST is intended to be used for patients that have terminal illnesses and death is anticipated within six months. POLST is a mechanism for an individual to communicate his or her wishes related to interventions, medically administered fluids and nutrition, antibiotics and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (the New Hampshire POLST form defines CPR differently than the NH Portable DNR form does). It is important to note that the POLST is the property of the patient and must be in the possession of the patient in order to be followed.
CMC’s POLST policy outlines the procedures to follow when a patient presents with a POLST form, as well the process for completion or revision of a POLST form in line with the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERDs) in order to help preserve human dignity during life’s final transition. Patients and surrogates can alter or revoke a POLST form at any time to meet changing medical conditions and treatment preferences, thus CMC’s policy makes clear that each time a patient arrives with a POLST form, medical providers will need to verify that the POLST form does express their present-desired wishes. CMC policy also addresses how to deal with out of state POLST/MOLST forms. In the months ahead, CMC’s Ethics Committee will be providing education regarding POLST and CMC’s POLST policy to medical providers, nursing and other health care providers.