This Summer, Safety First
5 Tips to Stay Safe This Summer
July 10, 2017
After a long winter, it’s natural to be eager to take full advantage of everything the warmer temperatures offer. But be sure to heed some of these basic summer safety tips to ensure you will make the most out of your summer and stay safe and healthy.
1. Stay hydrated. Drink a lot of fluids and keep drinks with caffeine or alcohol to a minimum. Caffeine and alcohol can make the heat’s effects on your body even worse. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day or more if working strenuously or exercising.
2. Beat the heat and sun. The warmer weather is a nice break from a long winter but avoid extended periods of sun exposure between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Apply a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. SPF 30 blocks out about 97 percent of UV rays, whereas SPF 15 blocks only 93 percent. The higher the SPF, the more coverage you’ll get. Apply 15 to 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapply at least every 2 hours.
3. Water safety. Whether you’re staying cool at the beach or by the pool, always use caution while swimming. Don’t swim alone and pay extra attention to children in and around water. Wear swim shoes to reduce the risk of athlete’s foot and prevent injuries from hidden sharp objects and hot sand at the beach.
4. Take a hike. Take advantage of the outdoors and go for a hike in the White Mountains. But don’t forget to protect yourself from harmful critters. Wear light colored clothing to be able to spot ticks easily. Use an insect repellant with DEET on exposed skin and clothes. Stay in the middle of trails and avoid underbrush, fallen trees, and tall grass. After being outdoors for an extended period of time, perform a tick check and shower immediately. CMC is distributing free, colorful snap bracelets that depict ticks as well as tick spoons to remove them, so children and families can be on the lookout and prepared.
Pick yours up today at any of our Primary Care and Urgent Care locations.
5. Summer Food Safety Tips. Cookouts are a summer staple, but did you know that more people become ill from food born bacteria in the summer than at any other time? Bacteria grow and multiply rapidly between 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F. Food transported without an ice source or left out in the sun at a cookout/picnic won’t stay safe for long.
Of course, accidents still happen no matter how prepared you may be. That’s why we’re here for you, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. CMC Urgent Care provides quick, convenient, and quality care for everyday illnesses and injuries. Check in online at and avoid the line or just walk in at 9 Washington Place, Bedford.