Welcoming Dr. Michael Gilbert
September 28, 2020

“I’m proud to be joining the organization,” said Dr. Gilbert. “In the first six weeks, I’ve been impressed by the culture as well as by the absolute compassion and the warm welcome. Having come from my board work at Catholic Charities, I always knew this was a Catholic hospital, but it’s astounding how much the organization does to live up to this tradition, taking care of those who are most marginalized. I’m trying to get up to speed as quickly as possible to be able contribute.”
Dr. Gilbert will contribute in both leadership and clinical roles, as he plans to stay connected to patient care in the Endoscopy department. He is board-certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology and completed his residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock.
“I’m absolutely excited about the new challenges and feel comfortable coming into an organization in a period of change, helping us navigate toward our goals. It’s really easy to do that as a leader when you have people as committed as everyone is at CMC.”
One of the things that most excites Dr. Gilbert is the level of innovation at CMC. “It’s a misnomer to call this a community hospital—it’s actually much more than that. The level of innovation, engagement and ownership within the teams here, working within a very complex and competitive environment and being successful, it’s all an amazing thing to be a part of.”
Dr. Gilbert lives outside of Concord, New Hampshire, with his wife, two daughters and yellow lab.