What’s in Your Halloween Bucket?

What's scarier than a little goblin on your doorstep on Halloween night? All that candy sitting there just begging to be eaten!

October 20, 2021

What’s scarier than a little goblin on your doorstep on Halloween night? All that candy sitting there just begging to be eaten! According to a 2020 National Confectioner’s poll, almost 1/3 of adults grab some of THEIR favorite candy during the Halloween season—we think 2/3 of you aren’t telling the truth! 

While those little fun size treats seem fairly harmless, the problem is that it’s hard to stop at just one piece. It’s okay to indulge a little—the key is portion control. Here is a guide to the amount of your favorite candy that adds up to 100 calories:

  • 3 Musketeers fun size:  1 ½ bars
  • Butterfinger fun size:  1 ¼ bars
  • Candy Corn:  14 pieces
  • Hershey’s kisses:  4 ½ kisses
  • Hershey’s miniature:  2 ⅓ bars
  • Kit Kat snack size:  3 pieces
  • M&M’s:  23 pieces
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups:  1 ¼ cups
  • Skittles:  25 pieces
  • Smarties:  3 ⅓ rolls
  • Snickers fun size:  1 ¼ bars
  • Starburst:  5 pieces

Some pro tips for limiting your candy intake:

  • Use the “out of sight, out of mind” approach. Store any candy you purchase for Trick or Treat somewhere that you won’t be constantly looking at it. Once Trick or Treat is over, any leftover candy should be given away or put away in opaque containers in your cupboards
  • Be sure to have a healthy meal before Trick or Treat time so you aren’t handing out candy on an empty stomach, resulting in “one for you, one for me” all night long
  • Chew gum or nibble on crunchy raw veggies while you’re giving out candy
  • Keep up with your exercise routine over the upcoming holiday season. If you feel strong and healthy, you’re not as likely to overindulge

Do you need help eating smarter? Our Registered Dietitian Nutritionists can design a program that meets your nutritional needs while considering your lifestyle, finances and cooking abilities.

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