Winning weeks for CMC!

The Red Sox and Patriots are the only teams tallying a winning streak this month. CMC has been honored to earn several awards and recognitions over the last few weeks.

September 23, 2016

The Red Sox and Patriots are not the only teams tallying a winning streak this month. CMC has been honored to earn several awards and recognitions over the last few weeks.
Monday night, CMC was twice honored by the New Hampshire Hospital Association at their annual meeting. Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Bill Goodman, was given the 2016 Medical Staff Award in recognition of not only his leadership on the opiate crisis, but also his dedication to compassionate excellence every day. CMC’s Patient Family Advisory Council was also honored with the Noah Lord Patient & Family Engagement Award by the New Hampshire Foundation for Healthy Communities. PFAC member Barbara McGuire accepted the award from Tanya Lord, PhD, MPH, who became an advocate for increasing patient and family engagement after a series of medical errors caused the death of her young son, Noah. The PFAC was rewarded for their work in rounding on patients to directly hear what they think of their care and CMC.
The work of the New England Heart & Vascular Institute (NEHVI), which leads the region in performing many cutting-edge procedures, has been recognized as the only New Hampshire hospital on Becker’s Hospital Review’s “100 hospitals and health systems with great heart programs.” Becker’s develops this list by researching the most reputable ranking and awards agencies, several of which have previously recognized NEHVI. Earlier this month, CMC President & CEO Dr. Joseph Pepe was named a top physician leader by Becker’s.

CMC is also listed in U.S. News & World Report for our American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award with Target: StrokeSM Honor Roll (see press release). We are one of only two New Hampshire hospitals to earn the Gold Plus Achievement, which we received in May.
It is a privilege to provide the highest quality and most advanced care to our patients, every day, and an honor to be recognized for our dedication to compassionate excellence.