You can’t be too careful
Barb's concerns were quickly put at ease when she arrived at CMC
June 26, 2020
Barb Race and her husband were supposed to be on a cruise to Italy in May, the time of year when she would normally have her annual echocardiogram. “Obviously, that didn’t happen,” she chuckles, “and I was able to move the appointment up with no problem.”
Barb has congestive heart failure and a pacemaker so it’s important for her to get her annual echo exam to make sure everything is running as it should. She admits she had a little bit of reservation coming to the hospital with COVID-19 still in the community, “but I have a little reservation about going to the grocery store, too” she says. “You can’t be too careful. Everything out there feels like a threat sometimes but this is something I had to have done.”
Fortunately, Barb’s concerns were quickly put at ease when she arrived at CMC—even though she was supposed to have her appointment at another location. “I had the Bedford (New England Heart & Vascular Outpatient) location in my calendar but I showed up at the hospital instead. They were so understanding and were able to find someone who would do the echo so I didn’t have to wait. Every single person was warm and wonderful. They all went above and beyond.”
Barb notes that she went through the front lobby screening with ease and was prepared with her own mask. Throughout her appointment she felt safe. “I wouldn’t have felt safe if there were 30 people in the waiting room and 20 without masks on, but nobody was waiting around. It all came together as close to perfect as you can get these days.”
But perfect is a partnership. Barb notes that patients, too, have a role to play in creating a safe environment—at the hospital and everywhere else. “I would say wear a mask and keep the six feet. That’s really about all we can do. It’s important to get your health concerns taken care of and people should feel comfortable if they take the precautions.”