Our Hospital Medicine Program provides hospitalized patients with timely access to physician care throughout their hospital stay.
What is a hospitalist?
Hospitalists are physicians dedicated to the care of patients in the hospital. These clinicians manage patients and coordinate specialists, as needed, throughout their entire hospital stay, from admission until discharge when a patient's care is resumed by their primary care provider. Hospitalists have completed training emphasizing the care of acutely ill patients.
Our hospitalists work closely as a team, so you may see more than one during your stay. A dedicated team of hospitalists means fewer interruptions in your care, less complications and round-the-clock physician availability. At the time of discharge, hospitalists work with each patient on a suitable plan for their future health care needs.
Why Choose CMC?
Once admitted to the hospital, your hospital medicine team (hospitalists) will coordinate your course of treatment during your hospital stay, including ordering diagnostic imaging studies and lab work. He/She will review all your tests and adjust your care based on your test results. Throughout your stay, he/she will continue to update you on your plan of care.