The Mom’s Place Virtual Tour & Information Sessions
Please join your childbirth educator, as you take a virtual tour of our maternity unit to learn what to expect during your birthing experience. Click below to sign up for your free session:
The Mom’s Place Virtual Tour & Information Sessions
You will need access to a computer/device to access the Zoom platform
The Childbirth Education department is currently undergoing some staffing changes and is temporarily pausing childbirth classes, please check back for updates. Please check with your prenatal care team for class resources and support.
Balance Screening
Reduce your risk of falling with a free balance screening with CMC Physical Therapists. Please check back for our next session date.
ICU Survivors Peer Support Group
Did you know that it is quite common for intensive care patients to have lingering effects of their stay? We're still learning ways to both prevent and treat post-intensive care syndrome, or PICS, but some patients have benefitted from sharing similar experiences. They find it can provide opportunities for participants to gain practical skills and self-care strategies from those ahead of them in the healing process. ICU Survivors Peer Support Group: free event held the third Thursday of every month 6–7:15 PM via Zoom. If you're interested in attending please email to register. Following registration you'll be provided with Zoom meeting information.
Ostomy Support Group
Life after an ostomy presents unique challenges—both seen and unseen. CMC’s free Ostomy Support Group is here to help you navigate the changes you’re experiencing with compassion and expertise. Join others on the journey in a safe, caring place. Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month from 5-6 PM at 195 McGregor Street, Manchester. Call 603.663.5231 to register for the next session.
Ostomy Support Group>
Parkinson's Dance Class
Join us for specialized dance classes that empower people with Parkinson’s Disease
to explore movement and music in a safe and creative environment. This class is free.
Parkinson's Dance Class>Pre-Op Joint & Spine Surgery Class
Are you scheduled for a total joint replacement or a neck/back surgery at CMC? Join us for a Pre-Op Joint & Spine Surgery Class. This free class is designed to help you prepare for surgery and recovery and include a tour of the elective orthopedic unit. Classes are held Tuesdays, 10-11 AM and are led by a team of nurses from CMC’s elective orthopedic unit. To register email or call 603.663.6289.
Next Session: Wed, Jun 5This class is free
You're invited to attend our free information weight loss session. If you’ve had difficulty achieving your weight loss goals, weight loss surgery CMC's New England Weight Management Institute may be right for you.
More Dates Available: Click to see MoreThe New England Weight Management Institute (NEWMI) offers monthly support groups designed for pre-operative and post-operative weight loss surgery (bariatric) patients. learn more>
- 6/17/24