Checkups in a COVID-recovery world
Don Murphy's recent echocardiogram appointment felt pretty routine
June 26, 2020
Don Murphy’s recent echocardiogram appointment felt pretty routine, “except there was hardly anybody there.”
Don came in May 6th, the first week that Catholic Medical Center had resumed elective procedures from the COVID-19 hiatus. He brought his own mask and admits that, at first, “I had a little bit of hesitation because it’s a hospital and that’s where the sick people are. But I realized I was going in through the front door and I felt the precautions were appropriate.”
When he did come through the front door, he was greeted by screeners from the CMC nursing staff who took his temperature, asked him a few screening questions and sent him on his way. When he reached Outpatient Non-Invasive Cardiology, “someone called me right in.”
Scheduling appointments to minimize wait times and putting distancing measures in waiting areas are a few of the things that CMC practices have implemented in the COVID-recovery world. In addition, many offices are offering virtual visits.
A few days after his echocardiogram, Don had his annual cardiology check up at the New England Heart & Vascular Institute via telehealth. “I did it via my cell phone. I was familiar with how it works and it was easy to do.”
And in uncertain times, a positive attitude can be very reassuring. Throughout his experience, Don says, “Everybody I met seemed very upbeat, friendly and courteous.”