Colonoscopy Screening FAQS:
Yes. Early detection of small polyps during a colonoscopy significantly improves the chance of successful treatment.
Proper preparation is a crucial aspect of the exam. Detailed prep instructions will be provided and reviewed with you before your colonoscopy.
The average length of your visit depends on individual factors and recovery time. The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes on average, making the entire visit generally lasting from 2 to 2.5 hours.
To ensure your comfort, anesthesia is administered for sleep during the procedure, ensuring no recollection upon waking up.
No. Given anesthesia, arrange for someone to drive you home. You should not drive until the following day.
The majority of polyps are removed during the procedure. Large polyps may require surgical removal. All polyps are removed to prevent colorectal cancer. With early detection and removal of polyps, colorectal cancer is 90% curable. Biopsies are taken for any suspicious or abnormal tissue and sent to pathology for evaluation.
Your doctor’s office will contact you within 14 days with any findings via a letter sent to your home address.
Your physician will determine the timing of your next colonoscopy based on factors like polyp size and type. According to the screening guidelines of the American College of Gastroenterologists, a screening colonoscopy is typically recommended every 10 years for individuals without additional risk factors.
Things to know about getting a Colonoscopy with NH Gastroenterology:
No, being an existing patient at CMC Primary Care is not a requirement for having your colonoscopy at CMC. Call NH Gastroenterology at call at 603.625.5744 and we will assist you in scheduling your colonoscopy.
If you have an HMO type of health insurance, a referral from your primary care provider may be needed. Check with your health insurance provider or call us for guidance.
Generally, a pre-procedure office appointment is not required for patients without special health considerations. Call 603.625.5744 to discuss your specific needs and schedule.
Don't Delay. Book Today.
Now that you understand the importance of a colonoscopy, consider scheduling yours. If you’re 45 or over and haven’t undergone a screening colonoscopy, take control of your health. Reduce your risk of colorectal cancer by scheduling your colonoscopy today.